So, I was thinking I'd try to post one a week, which felt like a reasonable goal. But I decided I didn't want a reasonable goal - I wanted a modest and very achievable goal, so I shall post at least twice a month. More posts will be fine, but less will be considered unacceptable.
Sean and I were invited by a co-worker of mine to an Alice and Wonderland Themed costume party (for Halloween, which was months ago...sorry). Sean went as Humpty Dumpty and I went as Dinah (going for a both sides of the looking glass kind of thing). Sean's costume - I made the egg party of it - was pretty great, but the thing I was really proud of were the mini-pies I brought. They were loosely based on these from Design Sponge, but when I went to the store to get figs I was told that figs were out of season. My immediate reaction was to say "so are watermelons, but I see a huge stack of those," but instead I thanked the store employee and got kiwis and a pomegranate. Now that it's almost Christmas they look seasonally appropriate.
I am also pretty desperate to win this give-away on To have a chance to win one just has to add a link to the give-away (Social Darling Frock GROSGRAIN GIVEAWAY!!!!) on his/her blog. While I don't want to create more competition for the dress (as you can see it's absolutely stunning), I figure it's best to give everybody a try if they're interested.
Also, this is a hilarious photograph of my dog. I'm sure he's embarrassed that I'm posting it, but he really shouldn't be - he can't help himself - his tongue is just too big for his face.
Until the next time....
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